I specialize in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). In this type of therapy the focus is on the connection between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Typically, it is very difficult to just immediately change how we are feeling and behaving. If it were easy we wouldn't need therapy! Thoughts, on the other hand, are easier to change. If asked to conjure up an image of a white bear, for example, most people can do so easily. Not thinking about something is more challenging however. CBT focuses on using our thoughts to influence feelings and behaviors. We teach ways of changing and challenging how we think in an effort to change our feelings and behaviors. CBT has been shown in the research to be incredibly effective in this vein.
Furthermore, I am fully trained in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). This type of work offers specific skills for those struggling with difficulties of emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness skills. DBT also offers specific skills around mindfulness, which means paying attention to the present moment without judgment, in order to gain control on the mind.
It is important to note, that I use pieces of DBT in my practice, and cannot offer "gold standard" or adherent DBT.
Finally, I am also intensively trained in Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy (RO-DBT). If traditional DBT is designed for people who use styles of coping that are more "undercontrolled"--meaning, they are more dramatic, chaotic, and acting out, RO-DBT is designed for people who use "overcontrolled" styles of coping--meaning they are rule-followers, wound tightly, and may have difficulty relaxing. RO-DBT is designed to help those with an overcontrolled coping style increase their social connectedness.
Don't worry, it is my job to figure out which type of therapy to use!!
I can offer individual talk psychotherapy for all types of struggles, including depression, anxiety, relationship struggles, general emotion dysregulation, and low self-esteem. However, I specialize in working with those with eating disorders as well as suicidal and self-injurious behaviors. I can also offer assistance to friends and family members who might be searching for support and guidance for ways to help their loved ones.
I also enjoy offering clinical supervision to new clinicians. Please contact me if you are interested in this.